This is a peer-reviewed publication containing original scientific papers on the conservation and management of whales, dolphins and porpoises. The Journal is accompanied by an annual Supplement which contains the report of the IWC Scientific Committee meeting and intersessional workshops held during the relevant period. There are also a number of topic-based Special Issues.


Published: 2017-01-01

Assessment of beach-cast cetaceans in Pakistan: implications for conservation and management

M. A. Gore, R. M. Culloch, H. W. I. Gray, R. Hoelzel, C. Lockyer, M. S. Kiani, U. Waqas, B. Hussain, A. Rahim, A. Shah, R. F. G. Ormond


Marine traffic and potential impacts towards cetaceans within the Madeira EEZ

Ines Cunha , Luis Freitas , Filipe Alves , Ana Dinis, Claudia Ribeiro , Catia Nicolau , Rita Ferreira , Jose Goncalves , Nuno Formigo


Mitigation of harm during a novel behavioural response study involving active sonar and wild cetaceans

Brandon Southall , Nicola Quick, Gordon Hastie, Peter Tyack, Ian Boyd


Development of an abundance estimate for the eastern Bering Sea stock of beluga1 whales (Delphinapterus leucas)

Lloyd Lowry , Alexandre Zerbini , Kathryn Frost, Douglas DeMaster , Roderick Hobbs
